On April 30, 2020, during the presentation of the awards for the #EUvsVirus pan-European hackathon, DCbrain stood out for its business vision and technological leadership, achieving first place in the category ‘Business Continuity – Value Chains & Logistics’ with its project ‘Deal with aleas, save lives’.
In collaboration with the European Innovation Council and EU Member States, the European Commission organized a pan-European hackathon to connect civil society, companies, partners and investors all across Europe, with the aim of developing innovative solutions for Coronavirus-related challenges.
This major European online hackathon defines itself as a call to arms in the fight against COVID-19. This may well have been the biggest hackathon ever held, inviting all innovative companies on the European scene to put forward practical solutions for problems caused and raised by the pandemic, in the hardest hit areas: Health / life / Recovery of activity / Political and social cohesion / Home working and education / Online finance. This hackathon brought together more than 21,000 participants, who developed 2160 projects in 48 hours.
To win the hackathon, we created an extension for our product dedicated to the Covid-19 pandemic, in 48 hours. The aim was twofold: improve management of the supply chain for essential products, like masks and medicines, to reduce the number of Covid-related deaths; plan ahead for the major impact of exiting lockdown on logistics at European level, to remove obstacles to economic recovery.
DCbrain focused on the supply chain and warehouse filling rates, road and rail transportation flows, and points of production and delivery. Using our INeS technology and our team’s expertise, we put forward a solution to optimize these and handle unforeseen events, such as the closure of borders and related transportation cost increases.
We are honored by this award and, above all, proud to have made a contribution to the fight against Covid-19. It was mainly thanks to our team and its unrelenting efforts, as well as our AI-based INeS technology solution for supply chain needs and challenges, that we were able to make a difference. We put forward an innovative solution, which is immediately actionable, scalable and impactful, to enable the supply chain sector to cope and recover during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.
Supply chains form the backbone of our economy. Before, we all took it for granted that global supply chains operated transparently. Today, we know that this is not the case. A global public health crisis such as Covid-19 creates uncertainty: borders can close and factories located outside of Europe may not deliver on time. When such a shock arrives, chaos reigns. The supply of surgical masks and other medical supplies are perfect examples. This is why DCbrain took part in this hackathon, and made its expertise available to the European Commission, to hack this problem and put forward an innovative solution that will enable the supply chain to rapidly relaunch itself, in the best possible conditions.