Heppner Improves its Courier Transport Network with DCbrain
Heppner uses the tactical planning module to enhance the performance and agility of its courier transport network

A leading transportation provider in France and around the world, Heppner runs a dense courier transport network formed of more than 40 branches. Before DCbrain, there were few tools available for network updating, which did not enable the global optimum to be reached.
To meet its clients’ challenges and satisfy their requests, Heppner needed to operate its courier transport network in the most cost-effective way. This would be achieved by identifying more efficient routing rules.
The Heppner courier transport network, and its transportation plan in particular, were complex to update and optimize: each change (clients, transportation resources, regulations, etc.) affected all of the 40 branches. With a huge number of possible combinations, identifying the global optimum was extremely time-consuming.
By combining our data with the algorithms of an AI expert, we will be able to help our teams constantly improve the service they provide to our clients and achieve operational excellence.

Why ?
Heppner’s primary aim is to meet its clients’ environmental challenges, then optimize the cost of its courier transport network and use it as the basis for high-added-value products.
Who For ?
The central planning team suggests optimized scenarios to branch directors, who remain in control of the final decision. This makes it possible to maintain the Heppner group’s intrapreneurial approach.
Before DCbrain
With the decision-making tool used before, it was not possible to rapidly calculate the full range of possibilities. This greatly slowed down the search for optimum solutions.

With DCbrain

- Simple updating and visualization of the network
- Impact analysis and simulation following integration of a new client or unforeseen event
- Suggestion of optimized scenarios following modification of the plan and KPI calculation

Data Used

- Description of branches and transportation capacities
- Operational and regulatory requirements (more than 100)
- Order flows

Projected Gains

- Optimization of the transportation plan in a complex network
- Savings totaling several million euros
- Significant reduction of CO2 emissions
- Enhanced agility of the courier transport network
- Simplified decision-tracking
We have decided to work with partners providing expertise and innovation, like DCbrain, which help us optimize our ever greater and more complex flows.

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