Flow planning for logistic service providers
Facilitate management of your internal logistics operations by using our optimization solution dedicated to your business

Organising your logistics is a complex and comprehensive process. In addition to handling orders from end to end, your daily challenges include ensuring your business profitability and service level, and planning your FTEs. By optimising your logistics flows, you can achieve savings of up to 15%.
Customer Pressure, Human Resources and Service Level
Logistics Experts: your challenges
Keep the pressure off your customers
Delivering the right product, to the right place, at the right time is key to ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction. Anticipate possible delays in deliveries due to lack of resources by skillfully planning your activity to serve your customers on time.
Overcome the shortage of Human Resources
Following the spectacular growth of e-commerce, there were more than 540,000 order-picking positions to be filled in France in 2022*. However, there are real difficulties in finding candidates. Remove tasks with low added value by optimally planning your FTEs and maintain your teams while attracting the talents of tomorrow.
*Source: Pôle Emploi (French national employment agency)
Demand excellence for your service level
A key figure that reflects strong demand: 718 billion euros. This was the sales figure achieved by European e-commerce in 2021*. Transactions are growing and an increasing number of actors are appearing as a result. Optimize your SLAservice level to stand out from the competition, by making customer deliveries in the right place and at the right time.
*European e-commerce Report, 2022
The complexity of storage types (between racks, on the floor, etc.) meant that we had many different ways to store a parcel and we had to provide a vision of storage needs 24 months in advance.

Our solution will help you meet your challenges by calculating strategies, optimizing your operational transportation plans, simulating alternative scenarios, planning your logistics operations, and more.
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One of our experts will be happy to discuss with you and answer all your questions.